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Woodside Farms & Your Everyday Life


Since Woodside Farms opened its farm gates in 2018, there have been a lot of changes - a lot...

I thought I’d take the time to give an update on how we can utilize Woodside Farms in our everyday lives.

Woodside Farms Barn

Here are a few frequently asked questions:

How Can I Buy Produce?

Woodside Farms has moved away from its twice-a-week farm stand model and now we are open for shopping at your leisure. We have staffed hours, which are currently:

Friday: 1 pm - 6 pm

Saturday: 9 am - 1 pm

Sunday: 10 am-2 pm

Our self-serve farmstand is located in the heart of Chickahominy Falls but is open to anyone and everyone. You don’t have to be a community member or a CSA member to enjoy our local, Certified Naturally Grown produce. Check out this video for a guide on how to shop our farm stand!

Is Woodside Farms organic?

No, we are not technically certified organic. But we are Certified Naturally Grown, which we think is better. Certified Naturally Grown (CNG) is a grass-roots alternative to the USDA’s Organic program. Through this CNG alternative, farmers audit each other to ensure sustainable practices and procedures are being met. It gives the farmer the benefit of being a part of a farming community with plenty of resources, while also giving the consumer the reassurance that their food is grown without the use of any synthetic herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, or genetically modified organisms. Certified Naturally Grown is essentially the same as organic in process and principle with less burden of paperwork (so the farmer can focus their energy on the farm) and for a donation instead of a large annual fee.

Certified Naturally Grown

Can I Get My Hands Dirty and Work On The Farm?

Yes, absolutely, always! We have two different ways you can join us in the dirt. One is as a Friday volunteer. Volunteers join us every Friday from 9 am-noon to help us wash, process, and package our orders for our wholesale accounts and markets, and weather permitting, help us tame our prolific weeds! There’s no commitment to volunteering so you show up when you can for as long as you can and we’re happy to have you! Another way to join us is by joining our work share team. Workshare members work alongside our crew 1 day a week for 4 hours in exchange for a hot cup of locally roasted coffee as well as a $25 credit to use in the farm stand. If you think you might be interested, check out our work share page. We work hard, but have a lot of fun!

Volunteer and Workshare

Are There Events On The Farm That Are Open To The Community?

Yes! We have once-a-month pop-up farm stands in addition to our self-serve market where we host other local vendors, live music, and a fresh and tasty lunch. We can't wait for the upcoming pop-up featuring a Car Display partnering with Boomtown Radio and Central Virginia British Car Club.

We also host free monthly Wellness Chats in The Barn. These chats range in topics to provide a holistic perspective on health and wellbeing. Check out our Events page for more information!

Can Anyone Rent Out The Barn?

Absolutely! Host your family get-togethers and corporate luncheons alike in The Barn. Check out our Private Events webpage for more information.

Woodside Farms is just as much a living and breathing entity as its produce. It’s open to change and growth with the seasons so keep checking our website for updates and stay fully up to date by signing up for our weekly newsletter. Also, feel free to give our socials a follow!


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